Buyers Agent Bexley

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Years of combined
industry experience.

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Of properties purchased

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for clients.

$ 1 B

Worth of properties

G'day. We are Henderson.

We're invested in finding you the right property.

At Henderson we have dedicated our professional and personal lives to understanding the nuances of real estate. The difference between making the right choice and being left wanting is what you know, and when it comes to property, we know it all. We’re invested in finding you the right investment.

Our experience and network of connections with selling agents keeps our clients in the know and allows them access to exclusive opportunities you won’t find online. Take advantage of Henderson and we will be your advantage in a competitive property market.

Finding your ideal property does not need to be a difficult process, and when you have the knowledge, support, and connections that we do at Henderson, it can even be enjoyable.

We offer more than a buyer’s agent service, it’s an opportunity to save you time, money, and emotional stress.

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Are you looking for a buyer’s agent in Bexley?

Bexley Profile

Bexley is a suburb in Southern Sydney and offers a rich tapestry of history, convenience, and vibrant community life. Named after its counterpart in London by James Chandler in 1822, Bexley boasts a heritage deeply intertwined with its English roots, evident in its street names and historic landmarks like Lydham Hall. Beyond its historical charm, Bexley stands out for its robust transportation network, which is served by Transit Systems and U-Go Mobility bus services, ensuring seamless connectivity to surrounding areas. With a diverse population reflecting a myriad of cultures and languages, including a significant proportion born in Australia, China, Lebanon, and Macedonia, Bexley embraces multiculturalism at its core. Whether you’re drawn to its storied past, convenient amenities, or vibrant community, Bexley promises a welcoming and enriching environment to call home.

Bexley presents an enticing opportunity for property seekers, underscored by compelling market statistics and trends. With a median house price of $1,590,000 and a notable 5.1% annual growth rate, Bexley’s housing market exemplifies stability and potential for appreciation. Over the past 12 months, 144 houses have been sold, reflecting strong demand within the area. Moreover, with a median time on the market of just 41 days for houses and 29 days for units, properties in Bexley boast quick turnover rates, indicative of a buoyant market. For investors, Bexley offers attractive rental yields, with houses commanding $800 per week and units yielding $550 per week, providing a steady income stream. Despite a slight decline in unit prices, the market remains robust, underpinned by consistent buyer interest. Whether you’re seeking a family home or an investment opportunity, Bexley stands as a promising destination, offering a blend of affordability, growth potential, and market resilience.

How does a buyers agent in Bexley work?

Henderson is more than just an agency; we’re your ultimate ally in finding your perfect place in Sydney with unparalleled ease and convenience. Boasting an extensive network of connections and a team of skilled professionals, we proudly maintain our position as one of Australia’s foremost and most trusted buyers’ agencies. Dedicated to delivering a seamless and stress-free experience for our cherished clients in Bexley, we pour our hearts and souls into locating the ideal property that aligns perfectly with your preferences. Whether you’re in the market for a sprawling commercial space or a cosy residential abode, entrust us with your vision in Bexley, and we will stop at nothing to bring it to fruition. With Henderson by your side, your dream property is within reach.

How does a buyers agent in Bexley choose the right property? 

Starting your real estate investing journey in Bexley can indeed feel daunting, especially when it comes to negotiating with seasoned real estate brokers. Here at Henderson, however, we’ve streamlined this process to ensure you have the assistance and guidance you need every step of the way. With years of experience negotiating with real estate experts, our team of knowledgeable Sydney buyers agents are intimately familiar with the intricacies of the local market. When you decide to work with us, securing the best possible deal for your investment becomes our top priority. By entrusting us with this crucial part of the buying process, you can rest assured that every negotiation is conducted carefully and precisely, freeing you to focus on your real estate objectives without worry. So, let Henderson be your trusted partner as you embark on your real estate journey in Bexley – your dream investment awaits.

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