G’day Investor We will not try to sell you on the Flamingo Investment Strategy. Instead, we will simply tell you who it is for…and who it’s NOT for.  

This strategy is for:

This strategy is Not for:


Plus, you’ll be required to move fast and make decisions.

What else? You’ll be required to be ALL IN on your wealth creation journey.

We can’t work with people who are one foot in and one foot out.

Heres how it works

First, you’ll need to watch through the videos below and fill out our client profile form (if you have not already). What we are trying to do here is educate you on our process and strategy to make sure that we are a good match and to “weed out” the tyre kickers.
If you don’t feel like we are the right match after watching through these videos, please politely cancel the call and let us know it’s not right for you. Nobody will pressure or harass you if you walk away. If you want in – great, we will continue with our call.
We’re only looking for people that are a “HELL YES” to work with Henderson.


Watch this video to better understand our strategy


To get you more familiar with our investment strategy.


Check out your future portfolio plan

How to use the power of compounding through property



One of the biggest issues that buyers face when searching for a property is they only get to see what’s listed on, Domain and ‘off market’ email blasts from RE agents (which are typically not genuine ‘off-markets’). This presents them with two problems:

1) the pool of potential properties that meet their requirements is relatively small, which gives them less choice, and

2) competition for these properties is very high which can drive the price over their budget. These issues are only exacerbated in a hot market.

A solution to these issues is accessing genuine ‘off-market’ property, which is a property that is for sale, but not listed.

Up to 30% of all properties are sold ‘off market’, and you will never see them on, Domain or in the windows of a real estate agent’s office.

Purchasing off-market can mean there is less competition, no spotlight on you (the buyer), no pressure to buy immediately (as with an auction) and it can be easier to negotiate more favourable terms and a better price.


If the main motivation for a vendor to sell is securing the highest and best price, then that property will go to market. These are not the vendors we are looking to target!

The good news is, many vendors in the marketplace are not motivated as much by the sale price, but are looking for a quick or discrete sale due to various life circumstances.

These people simply don’t have the time, patience or need to run through a full campaign where they have to deal with agents every day, host open homes 2-3x per week and deal with the stress of going to auction. 


When you decide to work with a buyers agent, it’s almost always under an ‘exclusive agreement’, meaning the buyers agent is fully committed to sourcing and securing you the right property, and the client also agrees to purchase their property exclusively through that buyers agent.

In short, once you engage a Buyers Agent to find (or negotiate) a property, full fees are payable, even if you find a property (or negotiate) on your own.

Non-exclusive arrangements mean that when an agent finds a property that is perfect for you, they are shopping it around to a whole database of other potential buyers and you will need to compete with their other clients.

At Henderson, we work on an exclusive agreement with our clients, and will work tirelessly to secure you (and only you) the right property. Most of our clients are overjoyed to have their weekends back and they hand over the reins fully. 

It’s natural, however, to keep an eye on the market, and in the incredibly unlikely event that you do find a property that we haven’t, we simply pick things up from there. All we ask is you communicate openly and honestly with us at all times.


Time out of the market is costly because every day you’re out of the market your money is buying you less!

Although we never want to rush the process, for the above reasons it’s very important to secure the right property as quickly as possible, and to not miss gettable opportunities.

Unfortunately, the average buyer in NSW takes over 9 months to find a property and the opportunity cost of that can be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

With a 20+ person team working on your brief and leveraging our contacts day in, day out, we are able to bring opportunities to the table very quickly.

Speed to buy is very dependent on the brief, but our average time to buy for clients is just 54 days.

Our fees are based on either a set fixed fee, or a small percentage of the property’s sale price, depending on the situation.

In all cases, a portion of the agreed fee is paid at engagement, and the remaining is paid on success.

We are a premium service with a proven track record, and our fees reflect this. We should not be considered for those wanting a ‘cheap’ option.


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