Dealing with overwhelm

In both business and life, feeling overwhelmed is something I’ve faced many times. With so much on our plates—from managing work commitments, running a business, and keeping up with family—those feelings can sneak up quickly. It’s easy to fall into the trap of worrying about future uncertainties, which can be incredibly draining and distracting, whether you’re running a buyers agency or navigating personal challenges.

What helped me was working with a coach, Geoff Jowett. He guided me to stay focused on the present and recognise the root cause of those overwhelming emotions. Often, I found that I was consumed with thoughts of what “might” happen, spending energy on future predictions that rarely came true. This is a common issue in buyers advocacy, where people stress over potential market fluctuations.

For me, the key has been to shift my attention back to what I can control today. It’s essential to have a plan for the future, but I’ve learned that the most important thing we can do is focus on the present moment. Whether you’re working with a buyers advocate or running your own business, staying grounded helps to reduce stress and improve productivity.

When you take things one day at a time, working in what I like to call “day-tight compartments,” it allows you to cut through the noise and focus on actions that make a difference now.

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