David & Sarah
The Ponds
Can’t speak highly enough of Matt Chamberlain from Henderson Advocacy!!! The experience of trying to purchase your dream home can be a trying time, but add into that buying from interstate in the middle of a pandemic and the challenge is amplified many times over. This is where Matt came in and helped us immensely in securing our dream home!
My wife and I were struggling to find our dream home in the Newcastle area, trying to do it from Canberra with a run-away market. After selling our house in the same market, we were hard pressed keeping up with the continued growth while we awaited our own settlement, and lucked out at successive auctions of properties we thought were within our reach. On the advice of a real estate agent in the area we were looking, we decided to take on a buyer’s agent, something we had honestly not considered. The drawcard was the potential for expanding access to homes that might not even be on the market yet and this is how we were introduced to Matt Chamberlain.
Matt was fantastic, being straight forward and engaging from the first consultation. Matt exudes a genuine personality that put us at ease but also kept us well informed and engaged to get the most out of us for understanding our desired features. Of particular note, he listened intently and seamlessly drew out and identified the key things that we were looking for to determine the search parameters, but this was just the start.
Very shortly after our first engagement, covid impacts across NSW negated us from getting up to Newcastle as we had always planned in the process. Despite the impacts, Matt persisted and went to a number of properties on our behalf and provided us with fantastic video inspections with excellent added commentary of the key things you would want to consider when purchasing a property. Despite not being there we got an excellent feel for the properties to make informed decisions on whether to go further or not.
On the occasions where we decided to go ahead, Matt was fantastic in dealing with the agents in advance. When it came to the crunch in relation to offers and auctions, Matt was always in contact ahead of time to talk us through the process and strategy to maximise the potential for success, while also being attuned to budget and desires. His read for the market helped immensely in this process and was almost spot on in most cases.
Despite some setbacks along the way, Matt remained positive and persistent when sometimes we felt the dream was slipping beyond our reach. True to form, and the reason for engaging a buyer’s agent in the first place, through his extensive network Matt was able to identify an opportunity not even on the market in the heart of the area we were looking for. Despite predictions, we were successful in securing the property within budget thanks to Matt’s professional engagement and determination on our behalf. But the process didn’t stop there.
After our offer was accepted, Matt worked with our legal and financial team, and bought in other professionals in the region, to give us the best information for making informed decisions. His interactions always had our best interests at heart and have led to success in achieving our dream in the Newcastle region.
Matt Chamberlain is definitely someone we would recommend in advocating on your behalf to find your dream property. He easily gained our trust and guided us through a tumultuous time to get us to success in the end. We cannot thank him enough for all his hard work and dedication. We look forward to finally getting to Newcastle when lockdowns ease to have a drink with Matt (in person rather than via Zoom) to celebrate!
Cheers Matt!!!
Dave and Libby